Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sorry Guys

I haven't been on in a while, but I am here now!
So, what's up? I was wondering... Which fail picture is your favorite? Comment pleez....


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Random Question!!

Who is your favorite american idol?? Thanks for all of you posters and I am really glad to have at least one loyal poster. Well , bye

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today's random question

If you could spend an afternoon with any person in history who would it be and why?



Monday, March 8, 2010

Random Question of the day

The random question of the day today is:

Stretch out your left arm as far as it can go. What can you touch?

Here is another:

When was the last time you laughed and what was it about?

If you could, try to answer both of these questions!!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Forgetful much?

I was looking forever and forever for my earrings and realized that I was wearing them!!! Have you ever searched forever for something in an easy spot? Please post

1st random question of the day

Hello one and all. I am going to post a random question every day and hopefully someone will answer. So the first question I will ask is:

What was the last thing you drank/ate?

Please comment!!!!!

Lovvve, Lexie

My First Post

Welcome one and all to the grand opening to my awesome blog:) Please post:)