Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today is April 28th 2010! Look how far we have come! I mean think about it! We are all in middle school and we're twelve years old! Also, there is only 29 school days left!!!! What are you looking forward to during the summer? Today's post is just... you know.. what you enjoy about your life. I was just thinking how far we actually have come and it blows my mind. So just say what's on your mind I guess!

Post away-


  1. Hello, What up?
    I'm really excitied for this Summer. I really really dis-like school and can't wait to get out of there! I'm really looking forward to Rachel being born! That is going to be so awesome.

    Soooooooooooooooo, I'm really bored. So bored that i'm actullay working on my project!!! I never get project done early! Well, I'm not done but i'm working on it.

    Bye Linny

  2. Well good for you Lindsey! Yeah I can't wait until Rachel is born. I can just tell she's going to be a cutie. Only 29 days of school left!

    Peece! Lexie
