Friday, April 30, 2010

Alright folks.........

Today I am leaving to Alexandria for the weekend. Tell me what you are doing for the weekend. I'm really sorry this is the dumbest post I have ever written, but I am really kind of tired and my brian is tired from a long day at school so give this girl a break!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm Posting Already!

Yes, it's 7:05 and I am posting! I'm waiting for my dad to take me to school so.. yeah. I am really bored so um here is a random question!

What was your dream last night? It doesn't have to just be last night I guess. I can be any night as long as it's funny. Or weird. Cuz that's what my blog's all about. So please, please, please, please, please, please, please post!

I know you want to!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

About the video bar.....

This is thecomputernerd01. HE IS A GENIUS! After seeing this,you have to like his work, so check out his other videos such as....

Tik Tok Paody (He's wearing a wig)
I gotta feeling parody (I gotta feeling that this owl is really creepy)
And Top nine ways to relieve stress.

Top 9 ways to relieve stress:

Tik tok parodoy:

And I gotta feeling:

So there u go PLEASE check these videos out and comment!


Today is April 28th 2010! Look how far we have come! I mean think about it! We are all in middle school and we're twelve years old! Also, there is only 29 school days left!!!! What are you looking forward to during the summer? Today's post is just... you know.. what you enjoy about your life. I was just thinking how far we actually have come and it blows my mind. So just say what's on your mind I guess!

Post away-

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ya so I was thinking, what are my dreams? Do you want to know what they are?
1. to make world's biggest cookie
2. to watch plaze in jail and laugh right in his face and say "I knew you would end up this way you loser!" (Ya I do hold grudges pretty long ((Monica grudge!! U remember that right?)So ya)
and 3. To ask Beth to get me some stinkin tea and not have her complain:( Jk I love you Beth :)

So yeah... Tell me your dreams.. They can be weird or spontanious or serious and boring...

Peace! Lexie is


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oopsie daysie

ya well I haven't been on in a while and I'm sorry about that but, hey! Here I am now! Well say whatever you want to, knock yourself out. Maybe a funny story or something. I am in the mood for a good laugh. Well the winner can get a little something right? Okay well whoop-dee-doo