Monday, May 31, 2010



I just wanted to give you another riddle and see if you guys want more. I’m also gonnah put a poll on so I can see if you guys actually like the riddles. :P Annnywhoooo,
Here is the riddle, enjoy!

I come in different shapes and sizes. Part of me are curves, others are straight. You can put me anywhere you like, but there is only one right place for me.
What am I?

Figure it out!


Friday, May 28, 2010

What is up party people

I see that now The Blot That Is Totally Awesome has 4! followers. Yay!!!!

Here is another riddle:

Three guys run into a bar, the fourth man ducks. Why does he duck?

Figure it out!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Here is what all you guys have been waiting for.....

The answer to the incredible riddle!

A lot of you have guessed, but only one of you can be right, ME!

The answer issssss:

TIME! Get it? TIME!

lolz, I'll post some more wacky riddles later



Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm Gonnah Try A Riddle

What I'm going to try is a riddle!

I'm going to post a riddle and see if anyone can get it... Don't search it on the computer, that's cheating. I know just the rigt one to do...

Here is the riddle: Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet you have missed me, when I have flown. What am I?

I'll post the answer in a couple of days. JIKUDK, (Just in case u didn't know)The secret is safe with me...



Saturday, May 22, 2010


WOW My bad! I'm so sorry guys I haven't been on in like, what is it? Like a month! WOW I am soooo sorry!

Well I was just thinking that maybe you could forgive me. Plus, to make it up to you, I put this TOTALLY AWESOME VIDEO in the video bar. Please check it out and answer the following questions:

If you could live forever would you? And if you would, you can chose one person to live eternity with you, who would you chose?

If you had the chose to be a demon, a vampire, or a elf which would you be?

What's your opinion in ghosts? Do you believe in them?

I'll give some prizes to the most unique answerers......


Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome Newcomers

Hello everyone! Lately, some new people might join our blog and I am sooo excited! Finally more than three people will post on my blog! FINALLY! We will welcome these new members with open hearts and minds, and except their ideas. If you new guys are reading right now, I will tell you how this blog works. Every day or so, I will make a new post. You can tell me what you think about the post, and then I will get back to you. There are funny pictures at the bottom of the page if you scroll all the way down and there are videos, and polls and such on the left hand side. ENJOY!

Lexie ☺

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today We Are Talking BLOG!

Okay so today I want to know what you guys think about my blog. Do you like it? Do you hate it? I don't know! That is why I am asking you. I think I need more posts. tell me what you love/hate about my blog! Be sure to say anything that you want. I don't really care if it's mean.

Post away!


Monday, May 3, 2010

64th annaversary! WOW!

Hello all and welcome to my blog. As you can see, I have been posting dayly now so I am an experienced blogger. Today is the 64th anaverary of my blog so we should celebrate! I don't really know how though. So I am going to put three! random questions!! oh come on, I know you love these! :P

Random Question 1:If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Random Question 2:Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? (You know, if you had one :P)
Random Question 3: When I say the word 'uvula' What word(s) come to your mind?

AAH what the heck!

Here is another: This one is going to be a fill in the blank.

Random Fill in the Blank: I should have ____________ yesterday.

Be sure to answer one, two or even all of these questions if you wish!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm here again!

I'm back from my fabulus trip to my grandma's house. LOL. Okay well I don't really know what to say so here is another random question. These are just randomly chosen now. Okay well here it is:

Grab the book nearest to you. Find page 4, line 9. What does it say? No bad words please.